| Donation PageThank you for supporting us with your donations and your own fundraising on our behalf. We do not receive Government funding and rely mainly on sales of our products and kind donations, for which we appreciate every single one of them, no matter how small. Every little helps us with the enormous, much-needed task, of raising awareness to improve and save lives, plus offer support to those diagnosed, and to the sleep clinics struggling to keep up with demand! To donate either a one-off payment via Debit/Credit Card or Paypal, or for those able to give a small monthly payment, please click on the relative JustGiving links. You can even have some fun and raise your own Fundraising Event on our behalf and with our full support!Donate directly through Paypal by clicking the logo below:-or Scan the Code
***GREAT NEWS OF WAYS TO HELP US RAISE FUNDS AT NO COST TO YOU***We honestly and truly appreciate all the way in which our own supporters are trying to help us raise funds for our charity GIVE AS YOU LIVE SITE SHOPPING SITEwww.giveasyoulive.com/join/hope2sleepcharity EASY FUNDRAISING SHOPPING SITEAmazon have now finished their Amazon Smile programme which was helping a lot of charities, which is very disappointing, but we do thank you for supporting us on Amazon Smile whilst it lasted. We're unaware of any other way that Amazon support charities at this time..
COLLECTION BOXESDo you have anywhere you could display a collection box? If so then please contact us We also welcome donations via online banking or you can send cheques and postal orders:-
IMPORTANT FOR OUR CHARITYIf you are a UK taxpayer, we are able to claim 25 pence back for each £1.00 you donate under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. If this is the case, then if you deposit a donation into our bank or send a cheque/postal order please consider filling in this Downloadable Gift Aid Form and either email it to us at donations@hope2sleep.co.uk or post it to us at:- Hope2Sleep Charity Whilst we respect some people wish to donate anonymously, we do like to thank people personally for their kind donations, so if you are happy with this then please let us know if you put money into our bank and give us an address or email when sending cheques/postal orders. |